North Carolina Industrial Commission Rules for Utilization of Rehabilitation Professionals in Workers’ Compensation Claims

I. Definitions: Description of Rehabilitation Services.

    D. "Medical rehabilitation" . . . goal of medical rehabilitation stated above as indicated in Rule IV.

    E. "Vocational Rehabilitation" . . . of vocational rehabilitation as defined above in Rule IV.

V. Qualifications Required


    D. (1.) a. Certified Insurance Rehabilitation Specialist (CIRS) Certified Disability Management Specialist (CDMS)

            Add at end of list Certified Nursing Case Manager (RN,Cm)

        (2.) a. i. CIRS CDMS, RN,Cm

               c. Once an RP meets certification eligibility requirements, the RP may only maintain CRP status for a period of 2 years.

VII. Communication

    E. Confidentiality

    Delete current section (1.) and substitute:

    (1.) RPS shall timely inform workers that RP will share relevant and material information with the employer and insurance carrier and that the RP may be compelled to testify regarding any information obtained.

    F. Communication with worker’s attorney.

    (1) The first meeting . . . twenty (20) fourteen (14) calendar days. The time begins to run from the date the RP first notifies worker's attorney of his/her involvement. If worker's attorney does not respond within fourteen (14) calendar days, RP should schedule the meeting with the worker immediately. Regardless of the point during the fourteen (14) days when worker's attorney responds, the meeting shall be accomplished within the fourteen (14) calendar days provided.

    G. A copy of these rehabilitation rules, or a summary thereof prepare by the Industrial Commission, shall be provided to the employee, at the same time as the release is requested.

IX. Return to Work

    C. If the RP utilizes written or videotaped job descriptions in the return-to-work process, the RP shall provide a copy of the same to all parties for review before the job description is provided to the doctor. If the worker or the worker’s attorney have any objections or additions to the job description, they shall notify, within ten (10) calendar days, the RP, all parties, and the physician. a copy shall be received by the employee at least five (5) business days prior to the date it is transmitted to the doctor.This process may be expedited on occasions when job availability is critical.

    D. In preparing written job descriptions, the RP may shall utilize recognized standards which may include but not be limited to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and/or the Handbook for Analyzing Jobs published by the U.S. Department of Labor. which are recognized as national standard references for use in vocational rehabilitation.

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