Tort Claims Rules of the
N.C. Industrial Commission

Effective 1 May 2000


Rule T305

  1. Appellant’s brief shall be filed with the Industrial Commission in triplicate no later than 25 days after receipt of the transcript of the record or receipt of notice that there will be no transcript.
  2. Thereafter, appellee’s brief shall be filed with the Industrial Commission in triplicate no later than 25 days after the service of appellant’s brief. When an appellant fails to file a brief, appellee shall file his brief within 25 days after appellant’s time for filing a brief has expired. If both parties appeal, they shall each file an appellant’s and appellee’s brief on the schedule set forth herein. The parties may file with the Docket Director a written stipulation to a single extension of time for each party, not to exceed 30 days, if the matter has not been calendared for hearing.
  3. A party who fails to file a brief will not be allowed oral argument before the Full Commission. Cases should be cited by North Carolina Reports, and preferably, to Southeastern Reports. Counsel shall not discuss matters outside the record, assert personal opinions or relate personal experiences, or attribute unworthy acts or motives to opposing counsel.
  4. Each brief filed pursuant to this Rule shall be accompanied by a written certification that the brief has been served by mail or in person upon the opposing party or parties.

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