June 2008
N.C. Industrial Commission
Safety Bulletin

"Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands" - Jeff Cooper

  Greetings Friends in the Name of Safety:

Thanks to all who attended our 78th Annual Statewide Safety Safety Conference! This year was one of our best in recent times. A BIG THANK YOU to our 90 vendors and our financial supporters who continue to make our annual "free" event possible.

We look forward to 2009 so mark your calendars now for May 12 - 15, 2009 at the Koury Convention Center!

APCAP is coming to Western North Carolina in June!

If you haven't already registered for our Accident Prevention Certificate Awareness Program June 23- 27, 2008 in Flat Rock, not to worry, you still have time. You can register by clicking here

Your REGIONAL SAFETY COUNCILS are continuing to work for you, so please refer to the calendar section of our Safety Bulletin for more information. Please support YOUR councils!

As always, we thank you for your support and we pledge to continue to serve your needs. We promise to continue to provide quality ACCIDENT PREVENTION training programs.

Have The Physical Characteristics Of My Workforce Changed?
Beth Babcock   Decision time!

You have positions to fill and applicants ready to fill them. The question is; which applicants are going to be the best fit for the jobs? With the workforce again, and with many of the younger workforce being out of shape, who should you hire?

You can't discriminate against the aging work force by basing your hiring decisions on age; and hiring the X or Y generation may have you rethinking your choices. Many sources have noted that, as a population, we're getting heavier and more out-of-shape. If this is indeed true, it has implications in terms of how qualified applicants are for physically-demanding jobs, and their subsequent risk of injury.

We have all read articles stating that the population is heavier and more out-of-shape. To study the impact of this trend, Advanced Ergonomics Inc (AEI) used its data base to research how applicants today compare physically to applicants of years past and how this would impact injury rates. In fact, people who have lower physical ability than the job requires have two to four times the risk of injury. So it becomes even more important to assess the physical ability of applicants to perform strenuous jobs.

In order to study the validity of the assertion that the US population is getting heavier and less physically conditioned, we compared age, body weight, body mass index (BMI) and aerobic capacity for applicants to physically demanding jobs in the earliest time period for which we have data and for 2004. The comparison of the applicant's physical ability to job requirement, a metric we call the "job match index," was also compared in the two time periods. The job match index is calculated by dividing the applicant's physical ability by the job requirement on each dimension that exists within a given job. If the applicant's ability exactly matches the job requirement, the ratio is 100%; if the applicant's ability is greater than the job requirement, the ratio is greater than 100%; conversely, if the applicant's ability is less than the job requirement, the ratio is less than 100%. For these jobs the dimensions include upper body strength, strength when lifting from floor level and aerobic capacity. The lowest ratio across these three dimensions of ability is taken as the job match index. The rationale is that the "weakest link" is what constrains the applicant's overall ability. The jobs selected for the study were "grocery selector" and "soft-drink distribution workers." Soft-drink distribution workers include workers who load the soft-drink delivery trucks, the workers who drive the trucks to stores and other vending sites, and the workers who fill the displays. The earliest period for which a sufficient sample size was available for grocery selectors was 1990; for soft drink distribution workers the earliest period was 1993. For these jobs, the key dimension defining ability to meet the job requirements is aerobic capacity. The strength requirements are low enough that virtually all applicants are able to demonstrate the strength to meet those requirements. Aerobic capacity is the dimension that poses a much greater challenge.

Discussion One of the first observations is that very few females apply for these jobs, though the percent of the total has increased over time. For grocery selectors, the percent of females applying was 4% in 1990, and rose to 7% in 2004. For soft drink distribution, the percent of females applying was 3% in 1993, and rose to 7% in 2004. Both industries have been making concerted efforts to increase the percent of females in their workforce, so they have been very actively recruiting women who would be able to perform these jobs. In fact, it can be seen that the percent of female applicants whose physical ability meets or exceeds the job requirements has increased dramatically. This indicates that efforts to improve recruitment of qualified females have been effective. This also suggests that it would be inappropriate to attempt a comparison of the average body weight and aerobic capacity for females in the two time periods, since there was a focused effort to shift the characteristics of the female applicant pool.

For male applicants, it can be seen that they are generally only one to two years older, on average, between the two periods, but roughly 8% heavier and up to 5% less aerobically fit. Their average job match index also fell by roughly 13% between the two time periods. The percent passing has dropped between 9 and 16 points for males. This suggests that the general observations that people have been getting heavier and less fit apply to applicants for these jobs. The further implication is that applicants are less likely to have the physical ability to meet the job requirements than before. Hence, there is increasing value in individually assessing applicants' physical ability to perform these types of jobs. The correlations between weight, BMI, aerobic capacity and job match index are significant, but not particularly high. This suggests that knowledge of one variable does not necessarily have a lot of predictive value for another. For instance, knowing an applicant's weight or BMI does not necessarily say a lot about what his or her aerobic capacity or job match index will be. This underscores the importance of making individualized assessments of an individual's aerobic capacity, and comparing that individualized assessment of aerobic capacity to the job requirement to know whether the individual has the ability to meet that requirement. Simply making a prediction on the basis of relative body weight (BMI) would not be sufficiently accurate, particularly given the consequences of denying someone employment unfairly, or conversely, hiring him or her for a job for which s/he does not have the physical ability. An example of this would be two fit looking individuals of similar height but one is heaver due to muscle mass. The person with the heavier muscle mass would be stronger but have a poorer BMI so the best factors to use for the job match (and ones that can be validated) would be a combination of strength and aerobic fitness of the individual.

Summary This data suggest that applicants for these types of jobs are indeed heavier and less fit, in general, than their counterparts eleven to fourteen years ago. They are also less likely to be able to meet or exceed the physical requirements of these sorts of jobs. This means it is even more important now to assess the physical ability of these applicants to assure that they will be able to safely perform the duties required. Evidence from AEI validations studies indicates that applicants who cannot meet or exceed the physical requirements of the job are two to four times as likely to be injured. Furthermore, it is important that aerobic capacity be directly measured in order to assess an individual's ability, rather than making an assessment on the basis of relative body weight (BMI). For the complete study or information about Validated Physical Abilities Testing contact:

Beth Babcock
Director of Business Development
Advanced Ergonomics, Inc
Ditching Debbie Downer
    Frustrated at Work!

It's really not uncommon to get frustrated at work. Whether it's about your knuckle-cracking neighbor or a boss that just doesn't recognize your hard work, you're likely to find yourself venting from time to time. But what do you do when your irritation is Debbie Downer herself?

Debbie Downer rather enjoys complaining and makes a regular habit out of it. In fact, Debbie prefers to continue her tirades indefinitely, and she's really not looking for solutions to her problems. She simply enjoys an audience.

Negativity in the workplace can be a real problem. Not only does it result in lost productivity and a high rate of turnover, but negativity is extremely contagious. The problem with Ms. Downer is that she has the capacity to bring down everyone around her and makes it hard for anyone to maintain a positive outlook. One of the first things you can do to avoid being dragged down by these kinds of people is to recognize them - once you've identified such a person, you may find it necessary to keep your distance.

For the giving, helpful sort, ignoring Debbie Downer can be difficult. If your inclination is to help her by listening and offering up your advice, be advised that it's probably a waste of your time. However, if you simply can't ignore her, you might suggest that you will only listen to Debbie's gripes if she is also willing to discuss possible solutions.

If you do choose to listen, be honest! If you think that Debbie is overreacting to circumstances or intentionally looking at a situation in a negative way, tell her you think so. Be polite, and reassure her that while you care about what she is saying and about her happiness at work, you just don't agree with her perspective. While you probably won't change Debbie Downer into the eternal optimist, your honesty will at least make it clear that you're not willing to indulge her chronic complaining.
Time Management for Leaders
    Short on time?

If you've ever had a manager who couldn't manage his time, you know firsthand how frustrating it can be to wait for a boss to give you direction or respond to your question. An unorganized leader is not only lacking in personal productivity, but can also negatively affect the productivity and morale of his team.

Leaders aren't necessarily born with stellar time- management skills, and luckily, there is no need to pretend that you were. While you may be very strong in some areas of management, you can always improve or update your skill set. In fact, one mark of a great leader is being able to recognize one's own strengths and weaknesses and make changes based on that assessment.

Since today's workdays are often filled with constant meetings, phone calls, and emails, strong time management skills are imperative, especially for leaders. If your leadership role is new, you may find that the interruptions are more frequent than you could have imagined. It may seem as though everyone needs your attention at any point in the day, and before long you could find yourself frustrated - feeling unproductive and unfocused.

The bad news is that interruptions may be necessary. But the good news is that there are things you can do to manage interruptions and plan your time to be as productive as possible. Try these tips:

1. Take time to plan. Spending a few minutes at the beginning of each day (or at the end of the previous day) can keep you on task all day long.

2. If you must travel, organize your day geographically. Few things waste more time than trips that could have been avoided altogether.

3. Use a daily planner. Choose one that gives you at least one page per day and keep it with you so you can jot down commitments as you go.

4. Overhaul your to-do list. Traditional to-do lists can be overwhelming and discouraging. They often seem to grow indefinitely and be made up of things you'll never quite get to. Instead, use a planner to insert specific tasks at certain times in your day - this will allow you to prioritize very specifically, and you'll probably get a lot more done.

5. Set aside a block of time to make phone calls and send emails. Early morning is often a good time to do this since it gives other people the rest of the day to respond. Of course, urgent phone calls and messages may still need to be fielded throughout the day.

6. Limit your multitasking. While multitasking is great in some situations, checking your email while talking on the phone could lead to misunderstandings or confusion. Try to give each individual task (or person) your full and focused attention.

7. Schedule yourself in. With other people constantly vying for your time, why not make an appointment with yourself? Setting aside an hour or two during your day in which you will not be interrupted will give you time to work on top priorities that require your full attention.

8. Keep trying. Once in a while, even the most organized leaders will find themselves unsure of where a day went. If you find this happening often, revamp your routine. It may take a few tries to get it right.
Personal Internet Use Costs Employers
    Is Big Brother Watching You?

There's no doubt that companies suffer from lost productivity because of employees' personal internet use. In fact, a survey by Vault.com reports that some 87% of employees surf the web for personal reasons while at work. Some studies estimate that companies can lose up to $50 billion each year due to this distraction. And yes, companies are (painfully) aware of this problem.

If you are using your internet connection at work for personal reasons, be aware of the company's internet policy. Many companies limit employees' internet use by allowing only limited access - more than two- thirds of employers block at least some sites, according to USA Today.

The fact that a site or an activity isn't blocked does not mean that no one will know you were there. Three- fourths of employers monitor internet surfing and a little more than half review and retain email messages. So, if you plan to continue personal internet use at work, do so sparingly and cautiously - it's likely you are being watched.
Random Thoughts
by Mike Bingham   hmmmmmmmmm

The other day I was doing a First Aid/CPR/AED class and went to get the site's AED so we could do some hands-on work with the site's equipment. When I opened the cabinet I encountered something that made me say, "hmmmmmm". More on that later.

I've got a "generic" trainer that we use to do some scenarios during class, but I like for the students to handle the actual equipment that is in their facility. We look at how to open the unit - whether it snaps open, unzips, has a hinged lid, etc. If the pads have to be plugged into the unit, we identify the connection point. We learn whether their particular AED unit turns on automatically when we open it or if we have to press the "On" button to turn it on. It's a lot easier to figure these things out in the classroom instead of during an actual emergency when the responders' adrenaline is pumping.

We check the pads' expiration date. We look at the accessory kit; the razor, pocket mask, gloves, scissors, towelettes, biohazard bag. We go over where the unit is stored and have some pretty good site-specific discussion.

Flashing back (no pun intended) to the AED cabinet, I found that this particular cabinet has a loud audible alarm to let people know when the door is open. That's great, but when I thought about what would happen in the first few minutes after the AED is removed from the cabinet I realized that the audible alarm could summon responders to the cabinet instead of to the scene of the emergency.

Reading AED cabinet manufacturer's literature tells us that the audible alarm "alerts others that the AED has been deployed" or that the alarm "helps protect your investment" or "reduces the risk of vandalism". So I said, hmmmmm.

As part of the training, the intent of your AED's audible alarm should be covered. If the alarm is used to summon responders, it would be a good idea to put up a dry erase board or put a notepad and pencil in the AED cabinet so that whoever retrieves the AED can write down the location of the emergency. Doing so could save valuable seconds during a cardiac arrest by providing better communication to responders. If the alarm is intended to reduce or prevent vandalism, then that should be communicated.

We were discussing the issue in class and one of the students asked, "What if the AED had the alarm on it, and the alarm could be turned off once the AED is on scene?" Hmmmm Sounds a little far-fetched, but who would have thought that we would be able to shock cardiac arrest victims as quickly and easily as we now can with AEDs?

I wonder if notepads and pencils should be included in the AED accessory kit. Hmmmm another random thought to explore.

Editor's Note: Mike Bingham is the Western Area Safety Representative for the North Carolina Industrial Commission. Mike is one of the 10 members of the North Carolina Industrial Commission's Safety Department who are out there Working for You! to make our workplaces safer and better for each and every worker by reducing injuries to employees and saving money for employers through education and training. You can contact Mike at: binghamm@ind.commerce.state.nc.us or call: 919.218.9045

NCIC Video Library

Check out our Video Library !

To view the rest of our Library and download the REQUEST FORM, please CLICK HERE
Get To Know Your Commissioners
    Buck Lattimore

Buck Lattimore, a native of Cleveland County, served as Chairman of the North Carolina Industrial Commission from August 1, 2000 until September 30, 2007. Effective October 1, 2007, Chairman Lattimore requested Governor Mike Easley to relieve him of his duties as Chairman. At the Governor's request, Lattimore continues to serve as a Commissioner of the Industrial Commission.

With more than 35 years of management experience in business and government, Lattimore served as the Industrial Commission's Administrator from November 1994 until his appointment as Chairman. As Administrator, he was the agency's chief operating officer.

Before joining the Industrial Commission, he served as Deputy Commissioner of Insurance and Assistant Chief for Operations for the Certificate of Need Program in the N.C. Department of Human Resources. In the early 1980's, Buck Lattimore left state government to pursue a career in business. He became Vice President of George Shinn & Associates, where he helped the Charlotte sports magnate win the Charlotte Hornets NBA franchise.

In 1989, Lattimore established a public relations and publishing firm, serving clients throughout the Carolinas. He is owner of Buck Lattimore Properties with investment real estate holdings in North and South Carolina.

He is one of the founders of North State Bank in Raleigh.

Commissioner Lattimore has been president of the Carolinas' Carrousel Parade (the largest Thanksgiving Day event in the Southeast), and has served as Chairman of Charlotte CrimeStoppers Board.

He is a member of the Wofford College National Alumni Council, the Capitol City Club, and the North Carolina 4-H Alumni Association. He serves as Treasurer and a member of the Board of Directors of the Executives Club of Raleigh.

Buck Lattimore is a member of the Board of Directors of Kids' Chance of North Carolina, a charitable organization that provides educational scholarships to the children of North Carolina workers who have been catastrophically or fatally injured in work place accidents covered under the workers' compensation laws.

Commissioner Lattimore has shared his talents as an "amateur auctioneer" to raise funds for Kids' Chance, his church and other charities.

He is a member of The Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal) in Raleigh where he is an usher, a lector, and a member of the Vestry, the governing body of his Episcopal Parish. He is also a member of the Board of Visitors of Kanuga Episcopal Conference Center in Western North Carolina.

Lattimore earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC, and was awarded the Wofford College Department of Government Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement. He served internships in the United States Senate and North Carolina General Assembly. He is the recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Commerce Degree from Fort Lauderdale University.

Commissioner Lattimore served his country in an Infantry Unit of the Army National Guard.

He has completed the approved 40-hour mediation training course and the six- hour course on North Carolina Court organization and procedure. He has been certified as a North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission Certified Superior Court Mediator.

Lattimore is a member of the Dispute Resolution Section of the North Carolina Bar Association.

He is an avid collector of antique political campaign memorabilia, and enjoys reading, auctions, and time at the beach.

To contact Commissioner Lattimore, call him at (919) 807-2525.

To e-mail Commissioner Lattimore, CL ICK HERE.
News "FLASH"
    Lightning Awareness Week

June 22nd - 28th is lightning awareness week, and it should come as no surprise that summer is the peak season for lightning. Lightening strikes, while relatively rare, can be extremely dangerous, and for about 60 Americans each year, they're fatal.

The effects of a lightning strike can be immediate, or they can develop over time. People who are struck by lightening can suffer from memory loss, attention deficits, sleep disorders, numbness, dizziness, fatigue, or depression, among other problems.

If you are outside and hear thunder, you are within range to be struck by lightning. Head inside until at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder. Once inside, avoid anything that can put you in contact with electrical activity - this includes small appliances, computers, and water. The Red Cross reports that lightning strikes the earth 100 times per second. Don't give it the chance to strike you
Statewide Safety Talk Winner!

Congratulations to Doug Pond wth Zimmer Surgical Products on winning the 2008 Statewide Safety Talk Contest.
Pool Safety
by Michael Nance  

It's beginning to be "pool season" at the Nance household. What better way for the kids to burn the sugared-up energy of summer snacks and wear themselves out while having fun. Both of my kids are on the swim team for the summer at the local pool and I am proud to say that they are more concerned about being with friends, having fun and learning new techniques rather than being in first place. Neither of them are taking my suggestion to shave completely bald for a 1/1000 second advantage. Which by the way leads me to rant just a bit here. Parents, how about letting the kids do their thing and have fun while at the same time do their best in competition without the "rip the other kids heads off" attitude. During baseball season, I witnessed several parents simply throw a tyrant at the coaches (who by the way volunteered) and at their kids when they made a mistake. Lighten up, they are KIDS.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission states that on average, 350 children under the age of five drown each year in swimming pools. Primarily residential pools. Many more suffer injuries ranging from skinned knees to brain damage. Although I do not have a backyard pool, three of my neighbors do and I was surprised at the data related to drownings. Specifically that nationally, drowning is the leading cause of death to children under five. Just as in the workplace, a pool needs to have layers of safety barriers. Machine guarding if you will. Some of these guards include fencing, locked doors, proper gates, lifesaving equipment, and supervision.

Fences or walls should be at least a four feet high and completely surround the pool. Gates must be self-closing and locking, with the mechanism out of a small child reach. If one side of the "fence" is the house itself, then doors leading from the house to the pool area should be locked or at least have an alarm that sounds if opened unexpectedly. Keep rescue equipment by the pool and check it for deterioration from sitting in the sunlight. Inspect the rope, grab handles, ring buoys, etc. Don't forget to check the ladders in above ground pools and don't forget about sunscreen protection. Practice using it to see if there is ample length to reach a victim. Another smart idea is to have a poolside phone if your one of the few without a cell phone. A very smart thing to have in the way of pool safety is knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid. Did you know that the Safety Section of the NCIC provides free CPR/First Aid training? Contact your local representative to get on the schedule.

Pool chemicals are dangerous and not to be taken lightly. I seriously doubt any of my neighbors have looked at an MSDS for First Aid treatment for any of their chemicals. They haven't banned me from their pools yet, so this weekend I plan to ask how they store and if they know the hazards of the chemicals. Even though the pool covers are probably being packed away, don't forget that these are a hazard as well, especially if still on the pool. Some of the drownings have occurred because a child got trapped under them or suffocated during the "opening ceremonies".

While we still hear from time to time about a head, neck or spinal injury from diving into a river or creek area in the wild, the hazards of improper diving at the neighborhood pool is always a risk. For the most part diving should not be allowed in above ground pools. They are usually too shallow. Last year, our local neighborhood pool stopped the practice of the swim team diving from the side of the pool. Every must now use the end of the diving board. For the people that have a pool slide, it's recommended to slide down feet first, not head first.

Let's not forget about electrical hazards as well. Night time lighting, radios, etc. pose an electrocution risk. The installation of ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection against electrical shock hazards in pool underwater lighting circuits and in electric circuits of spas, pools and hot tubs is a must. If an extension cord is being used, get one with GFCI protection. How does GFCI work you ask? A GFCI constantly monitors current flowing in a circuit to sense any loss of current. If the current flowing through two circuit conductors differs by a very small amount, the GFCI instantly interrupts the current flow to prevent a lethal amount of electricity from reaching a person. The person may feel a painful shock but will not be electrocuted. Been there, done that.

One small note here about the filtering systems. Some large pools have floor mounted suction filtering systems that could pose a hazard for entrapment of hair or other body parts of small kids. Remember diving for money at the bottom of the pool? I'm not saying do away with this "game", but make sure it's not near a drain or other hazardous area.

While there is certainly good fun to be had at a pool whether it is a neighbor's house, the local community, or at a club such as the YMCA, everyone must review pool safety. Don't simply treat these pools as a "day care" and drop children off for the day without checking out the staff, the supervision, the safety equipment, etc. Lifeguards are hopefully trained to rescue victims within seconds, but ultimately you the parent are responsible for the safety education of your kids. Lifeguards cannot possibly watch every movement of every child. Remember, hotels don't typically have a lifeguard. Don't rely on floatation devices alone either. Used improperly, these can add to the drowning hazards. Fast, fearless, curious; children see a world of fun at the pool without limits. You see a world with potential hazards, the leading hazard of water. And the leading hazard for young children: water. With proper aquatic survival education for the adult and child, your family can enjoy a summer of pool fun with a little less stress. It's worth repeating; one of the most critical factors in pool safety is supervision. You cannot watch a small child (under the age of five) and do chores at the same time like going inside to fix lunch, answering the door, going upstairs for a few minutes.

Drowning usually occurs quickly and silently. Childhood drowning and near-drowning can happen in a matter of seconds and typically occur when a child is left unattended or during a brief lapse in supervision. Two minutes following submersion, a child will lose consciousness. Irreversible brain damage occurs after four to six minutes and determines the immediate and long-term survival of a child. The majority of children who survive are discovered within two minutes following submersion.

I'll never forget the time my mom told me that my uncle died from drowning. Though it's been many years, she still treats me as if I am ten years old when it comes to pool safety. Safety issues, regardless of the topic, can take on a whole new meaning when it hits close to home.

Be safe, have fun and be careful.

Editor's note: Michael Nance is the NCIC Blue Ridge, Southern & Western Piedmont areas Safety Representative. If you are interested in having one of our programs in your area, please give Michael a call at 919-218-9047 or email him at nancem@ind.commerce.state.nc.us.

From the Desk of Dennis Parnell, Director Safety Education
    Forty-five Seconds Can Save Your Life!

Do you know exactly how long it takes you to drive to work in the morning? Are you irritated when the drive takes a few extra minutes? When you approach an intersection, do you mentally will the light to stay green? Do you feel challenged to "beat" a yellow light by sneaking through an intersection at top speed? If you find yourself answering yes to these questions, you may be engaging in some risky behaviors that can quickly lead to an accident, injury, or even death.

In our fast-paced culture, many people view yellow on a stoplight as a cue to speed up. However, yellow lights are timed to give drivers ample time to either comfortably stop, or get safely through an intersection. If you feel the need to "gun it" to get through a yellow light, you probably had enough time to stop. Yellow lights actually mean you should stop before entering the intersection unless a stop cannot be made safely.

Rushing through a yellow light may seem harmless, but if you aren't able to make it though the intersection before the light turns red, you may actually be running a red light (depending on the law in your state), which is extremely dangerous. In fact, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reports that approximately 100,000 crashes in the United States each year result from the running of red lights, and about 1% of those result in death.

Running a red light can also result in a costly ticket, and there need not be a police car nearby to achieve this result. Many cities employ red-light cameras which monitor drivers through intersections. If caught as an offender on one of these cameras, you can expect a ticket to be in the mail, often along with an indisputable photograph of your offense.

On average, a stoplight cycle takes only 45 seconds. Running red lights is illegal and avoidable, and 45 extra seconds in the car is not likely to substantially impact your life - unless it saves your life or the life of another motorist.

Now you know. Dennis :)
Statewide Safety Talk Runner-Up!

CONGRATULATIONS to Robert Robinson with DAK Americas on his First Runner-Up win! (See you next year Robert!)

Each year the Executive Board of the North Carolina Safety Conference, Inc. awards scholarships to deserving students in the field of safety. Winners are chosen from East Carolina University and Notth Carolina A & T State University.

Pictured above are the dual winners representing ECU, L to R: Holleigh Humble and Jennifer Banks. Peder Hansen (not pictured) was the winner from NC A & T.
2007 Governor's Cup Winner

Each year as Director of Safety Education, I am charged with the responsibility of selecting the most outstanding Safety Council to receive the Governor's Cup Trophy for their work during the prior year. This is one of the most challenging parts of my position because our Safety Councils all are winners!

The 2007 Governor's Cup Trophy is proudly presented to the Central Piedmont Safety Council. Please join me in congratulating your council!

Note: Check out CPSC Summer Picnic and Job Hazard Analysis Seminar June 30, 2008 by CLICKING HERE


    Fun and useless tidbits

In Providence, Rhode Island, it is against the law to jump off a bridge!

In Florida, it is against the law to put livestock on a school bus!

Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill!

A lightning bolt generates temperatures five times hotter than those found at the sun's surface!

In 32 years. there are about 1 billion seconds!

More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby!

One gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately one million gallons of fresh water!

Honolulu is the only place in the United States that has a royal palace!

Pictured are the Regional Winners who participated in the Statewide Safety Talk Contest recently in Greensboro.

L to R: Fang Alford, 3rd Runner-up (WPCS), Ronald Johnson, 2nd Runner-Up (BRSC) , Gary Harris (ECSC), Robert Robinson, 1st Runner-up, (SESC), Doug Pond, Winner, (CPSC), Lisa Schoulars (NESC), Randy Johnson, (MSSC) and Jim Gilreath (NCIC)
N.C. Industrial Commission Safety Education Section

The N.C. Industrial Commission Safety Education Section stands ready to assist you with your Safety training needs. We offer a variety of courses, designed to suit your needs. Please give one of our Industrial Safety Representatives a call.



Director Safety Education
APCAP & APW Coordinator
Southeastern Region & HAZWOPER Trainer
Western Carolina Area
Defensive Driving & Work Zone Traffic Instructor
Mid-State Area & Water/Wastewater Coordinator
Blue Ridge & Southern/Western Piedmont Areas
Central Piedmont Area
Eastern & Northeastern Areas, Eastern Defensive Driving Instructor


We Are Working for You!
N.C. Industrial Commission


Contact Information Join our mailing list!


The North Carolina Industrial Commission Workers' Compensation Nurses Section employs six registered nurses who are responsible for different geographic segments of the state. They have a vast amount of knowledge in the field of rehabilitation medical management for individuals who have received traumatic injuries as well as facilities or individuals available to provide assistance in the recovery process following injuries. The goal is to assist in recovery through coordination and utilization of professionals, specialized facilities, and community resources in a manner that will help the injured worker advance from disability to ability in a steady, progressive process.

Please give Karen Smith, Director a call at 919- 807-2618 or Email
NCIC 30 Hour Accident
Prevention Certificate
Awareness Program

June 23-27, 2008 - Flat Rock, NC
August 11-15 - Sanford, NC
September 8-12 - Atlantic Beach, NC
October 27-31 - Asheboro, NC
58th Annual Wilmington Regional Safety and Health School July 24 & 25, 2008

July 9-Water Operators Safety Workshop, presented by the N.C. Industrial Commission Safety Education Section, from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Nucor Steel Hertford County, 1505 River Rd., Cofield, NC 27922. This free workshop will qualify for six hours of continuing education credit for both wastewater and drinking water operator certifications. For more information, telephone Tommy Howard at (252) 356-3815 or Terry Hairston at (252) 356- 3707.

July 23-NCALGESO Annual Conference, sponsored by the N.C. Association of Local Government Employee Safety Officials, from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Hilton Wilmington Riverside, 301 N. Water St., Wilmington, NC 28401. Click here to view the program and registration form (PDF files).
What Folks Are Saying... I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the Forklift Training class that James Gilreath put on last Friday. He is a really good speaker, and seemed very knowledgeable about the topic. I'll use him again, I think everyone enjoyed him. I just wanted to pass this on to give you a little feedback.

Scott Moore
Syngenta Crop Protection
Health, Safety and Environmental Assistant

Just a comment from yesterdays Health and Safety Class with Markus Elliott. It was 100% percent better than last years 8 hour refresher-more practical experience the instructor brought to the class.

Only my thought. Jim Schiff
MACEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc

Dennis, Thanks for your support in making our area business partners safer by providing worthwhile safety classes. I have not heard any disappointing comments on the instruction provided.

Bill Lewis, Corporate Safety House of Raeford
Rose Hill, NC
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